Wednesday, June 10, 2009

4 months old

CJ is 4 months old today. He had his check up and everything looks good. He weighed 15lbs 11oz (75th%) and was 25.25in long (75th%). He got 2 shots and 1 oral vaccine and didn't scream too much, but was somewhat fussy when we got home so I gave him his first Tylenol. He's been kinda zoned out, but seems to feel much better and could actually nap.

Here is the 4 month Brownie picture. Click here to see the 3 month. I can see a big difference.

Camille bought this from the Awanna store and I wish I had it the whole time so I could see his length. We had it last month, but she wouldn't let me use it for a picture. She's out of town so I snuck this picture. I wonder if she'll let me use it next month. When CJ's legs are stretched out they are to the tip of the catepillar's nose.
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1 comment:

Cindy Esselstyn said...

Hilarious! I love the giant worm thing. CJ looks so happy and healthy. Bring him to Asheville Mama!


