Thursday, October 02, 2008

CJ is healthy!

We are calling the baby CJ for Kenneth Clark Converse, Jr. We had an appointment with a specialist today for a higher level ultrasound because on the first ultrasound they saw some cysts on CJ's brain. Everything looks great and the cysts are gone. They also checked his heart since Camille was born with a hole in her heart and so far it looks great too. Thanks to everyone who have been praying. Please continue your prayers for a healthy baby and preganacy! Here are some new pictures of the little guy.

He was having a foot cramp so his toes are all curled up.
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Amber said...

Thanks be to God! Sadie can't wait to meet her boyfriend at camp next year. :)

Leahbeth said...

so glad cj is looking good! all my preggers friends are in my prayers!!! the new house looks beautiful! post some pics of the inside!!