Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm taking it off!

Over the past 12 years I gradually put on a lot of weight. About 3 years ago I lost about 40 lbs. I've kept most of it off, but the weight has started to creep back on. I've decided that enough is enough. I feel gross so I've started the Curves 6 Week Solution ("Permanent Weight Loss without Permanent Dieting"). I've been a member of Curves for several years, but now I'm adding the weight management class.

I started Wednesday at a beginning weight of 178 and have set my goal for 165. That is still above what the charts say I should be, but I've always weighed more than I look like I do, so I think this is a good goal. Anyway, I've lost 2 lbs since Wednesday and it is only Friday. They say you lose more the first week due to water weight, but still, it is very encouraging.

I've added a weight loss ticker on the right hand side to create a visual as I head towards my goal. I'm excited and appreciate your support!!!!


Anonymous said...

Amen, sister! I haven't weighed since last Friday when I went to register for the class. I'm halfway afraid to! But I know all of this hard work and determination have to pay off SOMEway. :) Thanks for getting me involved!


Margaret said...

you go girlfriend! could you loose a few for me too? I have been putting on the lbs as well.


Renee Guest said...

yay Mamie. that is great. i still haven't lost all of my weight since Beau and mary Bratton have been born. so proud of you. now that you have posted that is something to be accountable for... maybe i should do that too... go ahead and just put it out there. Tell Clarke 'hello' for me. he probably barely remembers me but i know he will remember my brother, Ron. I do have a picture of me, Chris Mathison ( my date) and Clarke dressed as Santa.