Wednesday, April 29, 2009

High chair and trying to roll over

CJ isn't eating any food yet, but we felt bad that he wasn't sitting with us when we eat dinner so I went ahead and put together his "high chair". It is actually a cool chair that hooks onto the regular chair, reclines, has a tray and will convert into a booster seat when he's old enough.

Tonight was the first night he sat in it and he was all about watching Camille.

CJ rolled over from his stomach to his back a couple of times last night. I tried to catch it on video today, but he didn't want to cooperate so here is a video of him just hanging out on his belly. He was watching Camille play with a cool a new book (Safari Animals) she got today at the book fair.

Trying to roll over from Mamie Converse on Vimeo.
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Saturday, April 18, 2009


OK, it is confession time. The Bumbo is the reason I wanted to have another child. Of course I'm kidding, but I really did look forward to having a Bumbo and am so excited that CJ can sit in it now. He's always had such good head control that he probably could have done it sooner, but I've been holding out.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter morning

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I think they were both still a little tired.

Too bad Clark couldn't get in the picture, but someone had to take it. Plus, I don't have too many pictures of me with the kids.

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Forgotten Cookies

Someone sent me an Easter activity called Forgotten cookies. You make cookies but read the Easter story as you go. The only ingredients are vinegar, salt, egg whites and sugar. The kids read the verses as we went through each step. It was a really cool activity.

Smelling the vinegar like Jesus drank when he was thirsty on the cross.

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Adding the egg whites - white standing for purity after our sins are forgiven.

Tasting the salt like the salt in the tears of the mourners.

We sealed the "cave" for the night. The next morning the cookies came out and the kids bit into them and found out they were hollow just like the tomb.
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2 months old!

CJ is 2 months old now. We can't believe it. He is "talking" more and we're getting some smiles out of him. At his check up he weighed 12lbs 8oz and was 22.5in long so he is certainly growing. He wasn't too happy about me taking this picture. Click here to see his 1 month picture with Brownie the Bear.

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A visit from Jennifer and Pete

Jennifer is one of my dearest friends from Asheville. She and her husband, Pete, stopped by Friday on their way to Arkansas. Jennifer, Camille and I did A LOT together so she is very special to us. We are also super excited for her as they are expecting their first child in October.

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Sip and See

This past weekend we had a sip and see in Jackson. For those of you who don't know what a sip and see is, it was basically a baby shower after CJ was born. It was a time for friends and family to meet CJ. We had a great time.

Later that day we went to an Easter egg hunt (see pictures below). I've also added several new pictures to CJ's blog (

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Oma with her 11th great grandchild. She has 13 now (Audrey and Sienna were born within the last few weeks).

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The Shivers/Patterson women (and girl)

Rebecca and me
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John, CJ and Dabbs

Popsie Boy and CJ

Kevin, Meredith and CJ

Sweet little man
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